We invite quality research papers not published elsewhere. Papers will be listed for presentation based on the number of papers received in each track. An expert panel from each field will evaluate the papers. Authors are requested to complete registration and upload abstract through the link below.
Key Dates
- Paper Submission opens : 29th March 2021.
- Paper Submission closes:
25th April 2021. 9th May 2021. - Acceptance notification by:
10th May 2021. 15th May 2021. - Submission of camera ready copy of accepted manuscripts: 18th May 2021.
- Conference date:
28th and 29th May 2021. 10th and 11th June 2021.
Track-1 Power Electronics for Integration of Renewable Energy Systems
- Wind, Solar PV systems and Fuel Cells
- Bidirectional Power Converters
- Distributed Energy Systems
- Grid Tied Systems
- Renewable energy including modelling, operation, control and integration
- Energy management systems
- Microgrids and smart grids
Track - 2: Industrial Drives and Control
- AC, DC, BLDC Drives, Reluctance Machine Drives
- Advanced Control of Drives
- Design, Optimization and Condition Monitoring of Electrical Machines
- Actuators, Sensor Integration
- Design Automation for Power Converters
Track - 3: Power Converter Topologies, Components and Devices
- Machine Learning Applications in Power Converters
- Advanced topologies
- Efficiency and reliability
- Modelling, control and stability
- Gate drivers, EMI, EMC and protection
- Power Devices, Components and Magnetic Materials
- Fault tolerant converters
Track - 4: Power Electronics for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
- Electric vehicles’ V2G and G2V
- Small, medium and long-range WPT
- Modelling and design of WPT coils
- Vehicle Power Electronic Circuits and Systems
- Vehicle Charging Station design
Registration fees
Exact Registration fees will notified once the paper is accepted. No extra fee for publication.
Selected papers will be published in SCOPUS INDEXED journal and all accepted papers will be published as conference proceedings in International Advanced Research Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology.
Template - IARJSET-RAPID ‘21 Paper Format.docx
Thank You for your interest in RAPID 21. Unfortunately we have closed the registration for this year. Stay tuned for next year
In case of any doubts or queries, please feel free to contact us here