RAPID 2021
Recent Advances in Power electronics and Industrial Drives
RAPID ‘21 aims at bringing academicians, professional engineers, research organization and research scholars on a common platform to share new ideas, experiences and knowledge in emerging areas of power electronics and industrial drives. The conference will ignite the minds of the participants and delegates for undertaking collaborative research for updating technical know-how to stay in tune with the recent advances. The technical programme consists of peer-review paper presentations, key note lectures, presentation by industry professionals and panel discussion.
Read conference proceedings for RAPID ‘21 - RAPID ‘21 - IARJSET
About the Department
The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering was started in the year 1960. The department has established itself as one of the best and prestigious departments of NSS College of Engineering. The department has well experienced and committed faculty having specialization in different areas in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The faculty always work towards development and progress of the department by upgrading and modernising the laboratory facilities, organising seminars and conferences. The National Board of Accreditation AICTE has given a National Level recognition by accrediting the department with Grade B. The department of EEE is offering B.Tech and M.Tech (Power Electronics) programmes. The department has a number of well-equipped laboratories and provides excellent facilities for learning, research and development and consultancy works. Department periodically organises seminars, conferences, workshops, industrial visits and guest lectures for the benefit of both the students and the faculty.
Click here to know more about the Department.
About the College
NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad is one of the most reputed premier engineering educational institutions in Kerala, affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University. National Board of Accreditation (NBA) has accredited five B.Tech Programmes of the college. It was established in 1960 by Nair Service Society under the leadership of Late Bharatha Kesari Mannathu Padmanabhan, during the second five-year plan with the assistance of the central and state government. Under the grant in aid scheme. The college has an enviable heritage and legacy of grooming brilliant engineering professionals who later made their mark in industrial and other sectors of the country and abroad. At present, the institution offers B.Tech degree courses in six branches and M.Tech degree courses in communication Engineering, Power Electronics, Computer Science and Engineering, Structural Engineering and Computer Integrated Manufacturing.
Click here to know more about the college.