The conference proceedings have been published. Check out RAPID ‘21 - IARJSET
RAPID 2021
Recent Advances in Power electronics and Industrial Drives
RAPID ‘21 aims at bringing academicians, professional engineers, research organisations and research scholars on a common platform to share new ideas, experiences and knowledge in emerging areas of power electronics and industrial drives. The conference will ignite the minds of the participants and delegates for undertaking collaborative research for updating technical know-how to stay in tune with the recent advances. The technical programme consists of peer-review paper presentations, key note lectures, presentation by industry professionals and panel discussion.
Organised by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, NSS College of Engineering Palakkad.
Call for papers
We invite quality research papers not published elsewhere. Papers will be listed for presentation based on the number of papers received in each track. An expert panel from each field will evaluate the papers. Authors are requested to complete registration and upload paper through the link here.